Glare-free car headlights - new smart technology

Adaptive glare-free automotive headlamps will be another smart technology that drivers can enjoy in the future. It is controlled by a camera and reacts instantly. The key technology of these complex functions is the integration of microelectronics and optoelectronics. This is one of the research priorities of the research and development project “?-AFS (Adaptive Frontlight System)” hosted by Osram.

The project was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research's “Photonics Research Support Program” with the goal of developing new technologies for a new family of energy efficient LED automotive headlamps. On this basis, an adaptive car front lighting system can be formed to add safety to drivers and passengers. For this purpose, it is necessary to have a glare-free high beam and low beam for light distribution at the driving speed. For example, when the vehicle is accelerating, the illumination range can be automatically increased; in urban traffic, the adaptive and wider light distribution illuminates the street. The edge of the road and the sidewalks can also bring more security. These features rely on fully electronic rather than mechanical servo motors.

In order to achieve the goal, many well-known companies participating in the project split their actions: Osram's “Professional Lighting” business unit is responsible for developing a new electronic ballast for controlling LED headlight lighting systems; Fraunhofer reliability and micro-integration research Using its expertise to study connection technologies and materials; Infineon Technologies develops LED drivers with proven experience in the field of automotive electronics; HELLA will develop integrated optical systems and headlamps for LED modules and make models; Daimler is responsible Car inspection experiment task. The project will end in January 2016.

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