Home feng shui to take advantage of the study of Feng Shui several points of attention

Home Feng Shui leans to avoid harms Several points of study feng shui

The direction and location of the desk

The orientation mentioned in feng shui, as the name implies, includes the two concepts of orientation and position. So where should the direction of the desk be? Generally speaking, it is better to place the desk opposite the door. For example, if the door of your study room is facing south, you can place the desk towards the door. This is the direction problem. Then, here, it is necessary to pay attention to the direction of the desk. You must face the door, but in the position you must avoid the door, and you cannot oppose the door. Otherwise, it is not only that the spirit cannot be concentrated, but that the position of the desk that has long been washed will certainly bring losses to the business. This is the basic rule for the placement of desks. The precise Wenchang position is determined according to the eight-ocean rule.

The refuge of the study

Transparent glass curtain building is a popular trend. However, as a business leader or the executor of major decisions, the seat must not be backed by glass. This kind of situation behind it is a taboo for the operator and it will inevitably damage it. And wealth and career development. In the same way, in your home study room, you must avoid situations where you can't rely on yourself. Especially if you are studying in a school, you have to rely on the walls behind the desk seats. .

Home Feng Shui Feng Shui Knowledge Study Feng Shui Feng Shui Home Glass Room House Feng Shui Glass Table Glass Door Small study

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