Hollywood actress Aniston Hawaii style luxury home exposure

Jennifer Aniston, with a charming appearance and an angel-like face and devil figure, is a fashion that North American women are striving to follow. Jennifer Aniston renovated her luxury home in Beverly Hills. The overall layout revealed a "single aristocratic" atmosphere. Moreover, Aniston and her mansion have recently appeared on the covers of famous household magazines in Europe and America, and the master bedroom is more suitable for single living after modification. Located in the heart of Beverly, this mansion overlooks downtown Los Angeles and has been known by Aniston as "Ohana" for its layout of Hawaiian style.

According to foreign media reports, Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston bought a luxury mansion overlooking Beverly Hills, Hollywood after a divorce. She was on the cover of the architectural magazine “Architectural Digest” and accepted it generously. Interviewed and demonstrated his "single mansion." Aniston allegedly spent two and a half years designing and decorating, eventually creating this house. She changed the men's and women's bathrooms in the master bedroom to bathrooms. It seems that Aniston has no plans to "get married" in the short term...

Although Jennifer Aniston’s marriage has even made us anxious for her, one’s life can be wonderful! Jennifer Aniston recently renovated her luxury mansion in Beverly Hills, Hollywood. This luxury makes her "single" truly live like a "nobility!"

Jennifer Aniston This luxury mansion was built in the 1970s and is located in the heart of Beverly Hills. It overlooks downtown Los Angeles and has been known by Aniston as "Ohana" for its layout of Hawaiian style. After the renovation, Jennifer Aniston and her "Ohana" boarded the cover of the March issue of Architectural Digest, a well-known household magazine in Europe and America.

Star home entrance decoration restaurant decoration BATHROOM home style decoration home decoration decoration design master bedroom decoration decoration style bathroom design overall bathroom decoration home

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