7 strokes home feng shui Wang peach with singles say bye bye!

This year's Singles Festival is fierce and famous for centuries, but if we can get rid of the bachelors in such a century singles to get rid of the leftovers, it will be a couple of the century. How to end singles and find their true love? How do you get rid of the "leftover male" hat and join hands with your partner to enter the marriage hall? Today, for everyone left male left a few strokes can move the peach feng shui home feng shui.

  Shuaibang Design

One: The peach must rely on space layout


To promote blossoms, the entrance must be marked with bright lights, foliage plants, or fresh flowers. The most important thing is to keep it clean and tidy so that good luck will come knock.

living room:

Lilies are placed in the southeastern position; flamingos are placed in the east; goldfish are raised in the southwestern position, and the number is evenly divided; the coffee table in the living room is lined with Spring-inspired floral fabric doily.

Home Feng Shui Decoration Feng Shui Love Feng Shui Space Windows Aquarium Feng Shui Living room Background Cloth Toilet Door Vase Home Furnishing Bedroom Home Furnishing Bedroom Lamp

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