What should be paid attention to when topdressing the roots of fruit trees?

I. Concentration: When the concentration is suitable, it can receive good results. When the concentration is high, it will not only be unhelpful but will cause fat damage. Common fertilizer types and suitable concentrations are: urea 0.3-0.5%, ammonium sulfate 0.1-0.3%, decomposed human urine 5-10%, potassium chloride 0.3%, grass ash leaching solution 1-6%, potassium sulfate 0.5-1%, Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.2%, ammonium sulfate 0.3-0.5%, superphosphate leaching solution 1-3%, borax 0.2-0.4%, ferrous sulfate 0.2-0.4%, magnesium sulfate 0.2-0.3%, zinc sulfate 0.1-0.4% . Specific spraying should also be based on the growth period and climatic conditions of different tree species, using different concentrations. The concentration of young leaves should be low, and the age-old leaves should be high; the areas with more rainfall can be higher, and vice versa. Do a small test before spraying, and then apply it on a large area to avoid causing damage.

Second, the number: because the amount of foliar spray fertilizer is small, each absorption is also very small, so in the entire growth period of the fruit tree, it is necessary to spray 3-4 times.

Third, the period: when the fruit tree needs a certain element, the best effect is to spray the element. For example, boron needs more boron, and boron can promote pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Therefore, spraying borax or boric acid can significantly increase the fruit setting rate.

Fourth, mixed spray: mixed spraying between fertilizers or mixed with pesticides can save labor, but to mix the fat and medicinal properties, if the opposite nature of each other, must not be mixed. Such as various micro-fertilizers and grass ash and other alkaline fertilizers, zinc fertilizer and superphosphate, copper fertilizer and potassium dihydrogen phosphate are not mixed. When mixing with pesticides, the double effect of fertilizer effect should be considered. For the sake of caution, a small amount of solution of micro-fertilizer and pesticide should be placed in the same solution before mixing, such as no turbidity, precipitation, gasping, etc. Occurs, indicating that it can be mixed. If any kind of phenomenon occurs, it means that it cannot be mixed. Generally speaking, all kinds of micro-fertilizers cannot be mixed with alkaline pesticides.
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